
Fast Company Executive Board Events

Live Events to Connect and Grow


join us for live events exclusive to Fast Company Executive Council members


You'll get the latest insights into industry trends, innovative leadership, and professional development from our most trusted community leaders. Events are curated specifically for relevance and include opportunities to network with attendees. If you would like to be added to the event email invitation lists, please email concierge@fastcompanyboard.com.

Click “Register” to attend the event you’re interested in.

Current Events


Quarterly Meetup

Fast Company Executive Board Member Meetups are a great opportunity to meet other members while sharing knowledge and resources.

August 20, 2024 @ 3:00 p.m. ET


Quarterly Meetup

Fast Company Executive Board Member Meetups are a great opportunity to meet other members while sharing knowledge and resources.

October 15, 2024 @ 3:00 p.m. ET

Past Events


Time is Your Scarcest Resource

Founder and CEO of Stop Meeting Like This, Shani Harmon we'll explore how intelligent collaboration enables teams to waste less time and accomplish their goals joyfully and productively.

May 7, 2024

Company Culture

Company Culture Expert Panel Event | Innovation Culture in Your Company

Dive into the importance of innovation culture within organizations. This expert panel event will allow members the opportunity to not only participate in a fruitful dialogue that will advance your business but also the chance to be featured in a Fast Company Executive Board Expert Panel article.

March 22, 2024

Company Culture

Company Culture: How to Downsize with Dignity for All

A company's culture cannot be dictated by leadership, only influenced. This is a space to ask questions, share experiences and trade resources about all things company culture.

December 8, 2023


The Hidden Fees of Credit Card Processing

Join Jeff Shavitz, President of Merchant Advocate as he shares his insights, tactics and strategies to help our members save money on credit card processing fees. 

October 3, 2023

Company Culture

Company Culture Expert Panel Event | The Employee Experience- Performance Reviews and Feedback

Performance Reviews and Feedback This is something that very few organizations rave about. And yet - critical feedback and reviews help people grow in their careers.

Question: How have you improved the equity and transparency in your performance review process?

September 15, 2023

Company Culture

Company Culture Exper Panel Event | The Employee Experience - First 100 days

Everything from pre-boarding to creative onboarding programs. I think that would be an interesting topic to see what creative techniques people are trying to improve on this process.

Question: What is the biggest improvement you've made to your onboarding program to improve employee satisfaction and engagement?

August 4, 2023


Unlocking the power of Influencer Marketing: A step by step guide

Influencer marketing now plays a critical role for every brand. Learn how to identify the right influencers for promoting your brand, while developing effective partnership strategies and maximizing your return through hyper-targeted campaigns. Our session will share proven techniques, tips, and case studies to help you build successful influencer marketing campaigns

August 2, 2023

Company Culture

Company Culture Expert Panel Event | The Employee Experience - Before They Start

Never forget the opportunity to create a lasting impression with your first impression. How are companies innovating and improving their candidate experience during the recruitment process?

Question: How are organizations creating brand advocates out of the people in their pipeline?

June 23, 2023

Growth Mindset

The Empathy Advantage: Leading the Empowered Workforce

The relationship between individuals and organizations was fundamentally transformed by the pandemic. Managers at every level are struggling to adapt to this new dynamic as workers embrace their new-found autonomy and demand more of their workplaces. When businesses embrace that agency and recognize that people are assets to nurture and invest in rather than costs to contain, business success and employee engagement skyrockets when. How, then, should leaders lead now?

June 20, 2023


Podcasting: How to Grow Your Podcast & Be A Guest on Shows

Join award winning podcast host, entrepreneur and expert podcast producer, Ginni Saraswati to lead this session for podcasters and thought leaders looking to be guests on podcasts. Consider this meet up a matchmaking session in pairing up shows with fabulous guests. It's also an opportunity to discuss show growth tactics and best guest practices.

May 11, 2023

Transform your business

Transform and Perform: How to Build Internal Alignment and Maintain Revenue While Transforming Your Business

Hear about one company’s challenges and successes with Jennifer Dixson Hoff, General Manager Professional Portfolio and Partnerships at Colibri Group and Fast Company Executive Board member, and her guest co-host Brian Betts, a former Disney executive and current Chief Experience Officer at Colibri Group. After sharing their story, Hoff and Betts will lead breakout discussions with attendees and end with takeaways for driving change while gaining followership.

April 18, 2023


Transform Your Business in 2023 with E Myth Author, Michael Gerber

Book Authors Group Member Leader Anna David is hosting a special event! Transformation is a provocative word. Fewer than 1% of all organizations are willing to pursue it. Yet, once pursued a monumental shift takes place. It’s that monumental shift Michael E. GERBER and his E-Myth Mind have made possible for so many. Spend an hour with the man. Get a deep taste of it. Your year ahead will never be the same. Welcome to The Dreaming Room!  Leave the status quo behind you.

January 19, 2023


Running Engaging and Collaborative Virtual Meetings

Join us in a conversation to share tools to engage your teams in engaging and collaborative meetings. Led by Van Lai-DuMone, founder of worksmart, a progressive team and leadership development organization that helps companies bring engagement to meetings and trainings through the use of creativity and play.

Oct 20, 2022


Understanding Altitude as a Leadership Essential

Leadership is about being close enough to your business, clients, and team to know what is happening, yet removed enough to make strategic decisions. It is also about adapting to engage and align people, priorities, and strategy.  But how do you cultivate the agility needed to consistently do this?

To be focused on the right issues at the right time and from the right perspective or elevation, leaders must understand altitude.  Building upon Marty Linsky and Dr. Ron Heiftz work in adaptive leadership, business psychologist Dr. Camille Preston helps leaders proactively build agility and capacity.

In this interactive presentation, Camille introduced the concept of altitude and offers actionable tools to understand and leverage it.

June 16, 2022


Real Estate Investing for Executives Made Easy

This month, we invited fellow member Matt Picheny, Founder of MJP Property Group, to lead a discussion around the power of purposeful investing to improve life for you, your family and even the world, one passive investment at a time. 

May 19, 2022


Competing in the Age of AI

This month, we invited fellow member Stephen Straus, co-founder and Managing Director of KUNGFU.AI, to lead a discussion around artificial intelligence and where it's going. Members learned what a culture of innovation looks like, which supports the development of cutting-edge AI. 

April 21, 2022


Thriving Through Change

Diversity of idea sharing is imperative. Fellow member Van Lai-DuMone, Founder & Creative Cultural Strategist at Worksmart Advantage lead this month's discussion around creative leadership. Members learned tangible tools that promote creative collaboration within their organization by providing insights to shift their mindset to encourage fresh perspectives from themselves and others.

Feb 17, 2022


The Great Resignation

Fellow member Joe Watson facilitated a discussion around The Great Resignation. 

Due to the pandemic, elevated social and cultural examinations caused many employees to resign from their jobs voluntarily. It caused many leaders to re-think and refocus to retain top talent. In this session, members learned strategies to address the evolution of talent management and company culture to keep their existing employees happy. 

Jan 20, 2022