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Alex Goryachev

AI & Future of Work Keynote SpeakerThe Robots Are Coming

San Diego, CA

Member Since April 2024


Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Public Speaking
Innovation Management


Alex Goryachev is a leading authority on AI-driven workplace transformation, and WSJ bestselling author guiding global audiences in harnessing technology for strategic advantage. Backed by his executive experience with global brands like Cisco and IBM, Alex is renowned as a top AI keynote speaker and expert in employee innovation.

Published content

Shame, ignore, regulate, repeat: What the history of recorded music can tell us about AI


Why should business leaders embrace AI? The music industry might be able to answer that.

Balancing AI and human ingenuity: 20 ways to avoid overreliance on ChatGPT

expert panel

Although ChatGPT is helpful, overreliance on AI tools in the workplace can stifle professional growth. ChatGPT and other generative AI (GenAI) tools have become integral aspects of many business operations, from sales and marketing to corporate communications. While GenAI offers efficiency and valuable insights, leaning too heavily on this technology can ultimately stifle creativity and innovation.  Leaders and teams that use these tools need to strike a balance between technology and human ingenuity. To help, 20 Fast Company Executive Board members discuss how organizations can avoid overreliance on ChatGPT and similar AI tools. Here's how to find a middle ground and encourage efficiency with a healthy dose of critical thinking and original ideas.

Is your workforce ready for the remote office of the very near future


Here's what to keep in mind as your organization races to implement AI.

20 customer success metrics that unlock business insights

expert panel

Tracking these key measurements of customer behavior can transform your business efforts. Creating a truly customer-centric business strategy requires tracking the right metrics. Understanding specific key performance indicators related to consumer behavior can offer insights into what's working and what is not, so your company can make the appropriate adjustments. Below, 20 Fast Company Executive Board members explain which customer success metrics have provided their businesses with invaluable knowledge about their business efforts. With these measures in mind, you can make informed, strategic decisions and highlight areas that need improvement.

8 marketing methods to build client loyalty in the travel industry

expert panel

Try these tips to attract and satisfy customers who will also spread the word. In the digital economy, now more than ever, promoting travel destination deals to potential customers is extremely competitive. Everyone travels for specific reasons, so it's important to identify who your target audience is and how best to customize your offerings.  For additional strategies to elevate your service and stand out in a crowded market, eight experts from Fast Company Executive Board each share one tip to help marketing leaders and their teams get one step closer to attracting and retaining new clients.

14 ways to help teams reach their quarterly goals

expert panel

It takes team effort and accountability to cross the finish line together. Setting quarterly goals is necessary to get your company over the finish line year after year, but what's the point of setting goals if you lose track of those objectives? Developing a strategy and check-in process that holds everyone accountable is essential to keep your team on the same page and ensure they have the resources they need to perform their specific responsibilities. To help managers and their employees forge a better path for moving the business ahead, 14 Fast Company Executive Board members each offer a strategy that has helped them obtain the results they were looking for and why it can work for your team as well. 

Company details

The Robots Are Coming

Company bio

Transforming the future of work. Today.



Area of focus

Artificial Intelligence
Human Resources
Online Professional Network

Company size

2 - 10