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Amy Radin

Executive Advisor, Change Maker, Award-Winning AuthorPragmatic Innovation Partners LLC

New York, NY

Member Since February 2021


Executive Leadership
Strategic Marketing
Digital Transformation


Named a Director to Watch by Private Company Director, Amy is a digital transformation, marketing, and tech strategy executive, who throughout a Fortune 100 career created significant shareholder value applying market insight, data analytics, and creativity to deliver profitable organic growth for financial services brands including American Express, Citi, E*TRADE and AXA. Amy most enjoys connecting the dots between technology trends, customer expectations, business model and results. Amy is the award-winning author of The Change Maker’s Playbook: How to Seek, Seed and Scale Innovation in Any Company. She advises enterprises on marketing, digital and customer experience transformation for franchise profitability improvements, and AI, mar-tech, and fin-tech scaleups on execution strategies to drive sales, build client relationships, and increase valuation. She participates on the front line of “what’s next” as a limited partner in Soundboard Venture Partners, a collaborative early-stage fund making diverse technology investments in exceptional founders. Amy served as a director of the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants (AICPA). She is currently an advisory board member for several investor backed companies. Amy is a contributor to numerous business media, and a sought-after keynote speaker. She has been honored by US Banker as a Most Powerful Woman in Banking and by the Exceptional Women Alliance, and received the NYU Stern Graduate School of Business Nichols Award for Enterprise, Integrity and Service, Stern’s highest honor awarded annually to a leader outside the School community. She is a graduate of The Wharton School (MBA, Marketing) and Wesleyan University (BA magna cum laude and Highest Honors, College of Letters and Spanish).

Published content

18 steps to increase your employees' creative health 

expert panel

Is your team in a safe space to collaborate and share? Maintaining a successful business in the marketplace not only depends on brand loyalty from customers but also on the creative health of the company's employees. Fostering a company culture that makes staff members feel psychologically safe enough to express their interests and brainstorm with others will also demonstrate how much their contributions to the organization are valued.  To help business leaders create a better work atmosphere, boost team productivity and morale, and spark innovation to move forward together, 18 Fast Company Executive Board members each offer one tip that leadership teams can do to support their employees' creative health at work.

17 steps to align biz marketing strategies with company core values 

expert panel

Employee buy-in is key to delivering the right message to current and potential customers. In the growing world of misinformation and declining B2C trust, companies must remain vigilant to ensure the messaging their brand is communicating internally and externally is exceeding the core standards they truly represent and continue to live up to.  Keeping employees educated about their role and stake in demonstrating their company's mission and goals through their daily work practices is essential to ensure alignment and engagement across the entire establishment. If your digital and traditional messaging strategies are not consistent with what the company stands for, 17 leaders from Fast Company Executive Board each offer one step to preserve the authenticity of marketing practices and company core values.  

17 ways leaders without natural charisma can make a positive impact on employees

expert panel

Charisma can't always be taught, but leaders can still make a big impact without it. Not every impactful leader is a naturally charismatic "people-person." At its core, leadership is about connecting with and inspiring others, and this can be done through various approaches. Here, Fast Company Executive Board members explore how leaders can make a positive impact without forced charisma. If you’re a more reserved or introverted person, these helpful strategies can help you make a meaningful and positive impact on your team just by being yourself.

4 ways to share your origin story—and why it matters


Why do so many professionals introduce themselves with nondescript labels and forgettable credentials? These may feel like safe ways to establish trust, but here is another strategy to consider.

13 tips to build friendships while growing your professional network

expert panel

Apply these strategies to leave a lasting impression. Whether you are striving to expand your personal or professional network, it's essential to create and nurture relationships that are not transactional. This is because, nine times out of ten, the majority of people will typically engage with people they feel confident around, can trust, and truly relate to in and outside of the marketplace. Here, 13 Fast Company Executive Board members each share their strategy to help industry professionals utilize networking to drive their business or individual career objectives forward, tactfully and authentically.

11 ways to boost your leadership EQ and gain employees' respect

expert panel

Apply these emotional intelligence strategies to improve your department and company work culture. According to a survey published by Statista Research Department, 52 percent of organizations have employed senior leaders based on their emotional intelligence (EQ) skills. The ability to gain the loyalty of the team you are trying to lead successfully often relies on your willingness to actively listen to the concerns and aspirations of your employees. It's only then that you'll be able to access your staff's support and strengthen the type of team morale that can move companies forward. To provide some practical examples of what this type of leadership approach looks like, experts from Fast Company Executive Board explain how elevating their EQ has helped them to enhance their team relationships for the better and made them more approachable and trustworthy—a leader that their direct reports can trust.

Company details

Pragmatic Innovation Partners LLC

Company bio

I work with executives and founders to mobilize and inspire their organizations to deliver innovation results. I tap into my career's worth of experience as an innovation operator inside demanding, conservative and proud brands where I focused on building and leading teams to create customer-obsessed approaches that were essential to fostering innovation and change. In my award-winning book, The Change Maker's Playbook: How to Seek, Seed and Scale Innovation In Any Company I share some of the practical advice, tools, and stories (my own and that of 50 other innovators interviewed) gathered to help the person sitting in the innovation "hot seat" make progress to achieve their vision that I expand upon in my advisory, project-based consulting, keynote addresses and executive consults.


Corporate leadership

Area of focus

Change Leadership
Strategic Marketing
Digital Transformation

Company size

Myself only