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Bala Sathyanarayanan


Columbus, OH

Member Since August 2024


Organizational Development


Bala is a recognized thought leader, a sought-after speaker, and a respected Fortune 500 C-Suite Executive. Bala currently serves as Chairman and Board Director for Balmer Lawrie – Van Leer Limited, a public industrial manufacturer. He also serves as a Director on the Columbus Council for World Affairs board, an education-driven Columbus, USA-based organization. Bala's passion for giving back to his profession is exemplified by his service on the Center for Executive Compensation Board in Washington, D.C., and serving on Gartner's CHRO Global Leadership Board. Bala is an NACD Certified Corporate Director (the highest corporate director recognition in the U.S.) and is passionate about advancing the highest standards of boardroom excellence. Bala is Executive Vice President & Chief Human Resources Officer at Greif, Inc. a 147-year-old global leader in industrial packaging products and services operating over 270 locations in 40+ countries across 4 continents. He is focused on delivering a world-class, diverse, and engaged workforce that can execute on Greif’s global vision of best in class service.

Published content

The art of work-life integration: Guide to inspiring performance and fulfillment


Redefining the paradigm of "work-life balance" can unlock a new level of team performance and job satisfaction.

The power of inquiry: Your untapped superpower


In a constantly evolving world, the leaders who thrive are not those who claim to have all the answers, but those who are bold enough to ask the right questions.

15 business habits that may hinder competitive marketplace growth

expert panel

In today's workplace, practicing the importance of self-awareness starts from the top down. The strength of a successful business relies upon the people who are responsible for its daily operations. But building a power team starts from the top down. Therefore, leaders must set higher standards for themselves first if they expect others to follow in their footsteps to meet the expectations and mission of their business.  Self-awareness will also play a key factor in every leader's journey because if they are unaware of the negative energy they are spreading across their workforce, it may drive top talent away. Here, 15 Fast Company Executive Board members each discuss one seemingly harmless habit an executive may have that could be harming their business, and why it can make such a difference in the team's perspective of who they truly represent.

Beyond hierarchy: Embracing empowerment to ignite innovation


To empower, inspire, and harness the collective genius of our teams and navigate the complexities of the modern world, managers need to adopt a new leadership style.

9 tips to build better alliances (and win) as a social entrepreneur

expert panel

Here's how to elevate your personal brand of social influence in today's digital economy. When American YouTuber and actor Lucas Cruikshank was the first person to reach $1 million subscribers on his Fred channel in the early-to-mid 2000s, it gave potential social entrepreneurs—before anyone truly knew what that title meant—a glimpse of how far engaging content creation could take them. Fast forward to today's competitive marketplace, where everyone is always feeling the pressure to be "on" social media platforms and pair that with an uncertain economy—it takes much more than one's ability to hype up their target base about a product or service. Being comfortable networking with like-minded individuals or brands who are willing to ally will help each stakeholder grow further and faster.  In an ever-changing digital space, the best path for social entrepreneurs to make the most impact in their industries—promoting their cause through aligned partnerships—may not be written in stone, however, nine experts from Fast Company Executive Board each share strategies on what is currently working for some of the leading influencers in today's social economy.

The power of proximity: How the company you keep shapes your success


A significant factor in shaping who we become is the company we keep. Here's why and how to surround yourself with the right people.

Company details


Company bio

Greif (NYSE: GEF, GEF.B), is a global leader in industrial packaging products and services and is pursuing its vision: be the best performing customer service company in the world. The Company produces steel, plastic and fibre drums, intermediate bulk containers, reconditioned containers, containerboard, uncoated recycled paperboard, coated recycled paperboard, tubes and cores and a diverse mix of specialty products. The Company also manufactures packaging accessories and provides filling, packaging and other services for a wide range of industries. Greif also manages timber properties in the southeastern United States. The Company is strategically positioned in more than 35 countries to serve global as well as regional customers. Additional information is on the Company's website at


Corporate leadership

Area of focus

Paper Packaging
Land Management
Sustainability and Global Services

Company size

10,001 plus