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Bharani Rajakumar

Founder & CEOTransfr

New York, NY

Member Since November 2023


Bharani Rajakumar is CEO of Transfr, an economic development and education platform pioneering the use of virtual reality to simulate on-the-job training. Transfr’s unique career exploration and skills-building platform harnesses the power of virtual and augmented reality simulations to provide students and workers with the hands-on training they need to succeed in good-paying, in-demand jobs. He was the co-founder of math tutoring software company LearnBop, which was acquired in 2014 by online learning company K12 Inc. Bharani holds a B.S. in Finance from the University of Florida, and an MBA in entrepreneurship and finance from Carnegie Mellon University.

Published content

The future of career exploration is virtual


Maximizing our investment and reinvigorating the workforce will take a whole new approach to educating students about the paths that await.

19 ways to enhance your personal and professional brand

expert panel

When it comes to brand marketing, elevating your authentic story as an individual is just as important as company branding. For the past decade or longer, the term "brand marketing" has taken on a life of its own. People now realize that it's not just about a material product or service; "brand marketing" is also tied directly to the individual who is trying to launch or further themselves in the marketplace overall, and not just with any particular company affiliation. In an unstable economy with massive layoffs, it's all about the person and the next steps they want to take in life—especially as it relates to their personal passion, mission, and goals. Here, 19 Fast Company Executive Board members each share their advice with individuals who aspire to elevate their personal and professional branding to become a powerful thought leader who creates and delivers highly impactful, memorable presentations through the stories they share with others—during the workday or after hours.

Spurring economic mobility through alternative pathways to well-paying jobs


It is within our reach to create a structure in which ZIP code does not determine an individual’s fate.

How business leaders can help can lower recidivism and the soaring costs of incarceration


A smarter approach to re-entry could significantly reduce the cost of running our prison systems while building a skilled workforce in careers that increasingly lack reliable talent.

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