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Eric Schurke

VP North AmericaVoiceNation

Atlanta, GA

Member Since May 2021


Workforce Management
Project Management
Team Leadership


As VP of the VoiceNation in North America, I am excited to be leading a company which has, at its heart a unique culture of trust and entrepreneurship, in its mission to deliver tailor made specialist communication solutions to its clients. My role involves working with our people across our global organisation (Moneypenny, VoiceNation & Ninja Number) to grow the business further in line with this ethos and by supporting our clients businesses and their unique requirements. I was delighted with our Group’s response to the 2020 pandemic; where we demonstrated resilience, empathy and technical innovation to support our clients and our people, delivering business continuity and trust in a time of change. This is testament to our values of always moving and always listening. My focus as CEO is in ensuring that this culture and cutting edge communication technology remains at the heart of everything we do in North America supporting both our people and business to be the very best that they can be.

Published content

Here's how to make the case for human talent vs. AI alone

expert panel

Whether a company is struggling in a slow economy or its leaders want to focus more on investing in the smartest, low-cost resources, many business leaders agree that the growing technological advances in AI software have been a true game changer for organizations to reach their full local and global potential on a limited budget. However, with innovation often comes sacrifice. Below, 10 Fast Company Executive Board members discuss how business professionals can encourage their current and potential clients to continue investing in human capital with a combination of AI analytics to meet their project needs and business goals.

Are your company's original DEI efforts suddenly at a standstill? 

expert panel

Here are 12 reasons why equity and inclusion methods must move up another notch (the C-suite level) to reach desired outcomes and develop trustworthy employer-employee-consumer relationships. One of the reasons well-intentioned DEI initiatives often fall by the wayside in some work environments is because of the lack of full resources, expertise, and support that is required to keep them on the top of a company's agenda.  Introducing new strategies to address DEI shortcomings may sound good on paper during the initial push, but if the leadership team is unwilling or unable to provide the proper expectations, communications, and training as it relates to the company's core values and objectives, their efforts will continue to come up short.  To ensure DEI is given the attention it needs, 12 experts from Fast Company Executive Board each share their thoughts on why equity and inclusion efforts should be moved out of the HR department and elevated to C-level decision-makers instead.

The shop floor walk: Why getting out from behind your desk is one of the most powerful tools in your leadership toolbox


As a leader, it's crucial to stay connected with your team and understand the ins and outs of your business. You can't do that from behind a desk.

Outsourcing effectively in 2024 and beyond


Outsourcing is a strategic tool for any business looking to thrive in 2024 and beyond.

Career fair strategies that will pique a job seeker's interest

expert panel

Having a hard time finding potential new hires? Here are 18 methods for you to try at your next event. In a picky job market, the right career fair at the right time can be a win-win situation for the potential employer and the job seeker alike. It can cost a company a lot of money, however, if they are not focused on the right candidates who can fill their company's needs—right now.  But hiring managers should not solely rely on resume history—or if a candidate meets all 10 "job requirements"—as it's also crucial for the recruiter to find the right cultural fit and a team player who can help a department and company thrive in the long term. If you are scheduled to attend a career fair or networking event in the coming weeks or months, below, Fast Company Executive Board members each share one tip for leaders who want to attract the right new hires to work with.

How do you produce your best work?

expert panel

Business leaders discuss which type of business atmosphere fuels their drive and creativity.  Since the COVID-19 pandemic began—and now in the new normal as it continues to be a part of our everyday lives—there has been plenty of debate between company leaders and their employees concerning return-to-work policies vs. hybrid or remote work.  However, it's not just about where you work best, sometimes it's also about how and when you are able to thrive the most and in certain situations. That doesn't necessarily correlate with the physical space. It can also have to do with the people you engage with on a daily basis, the trust (or distrust) you have in leadership, psychological safety, and the opportunities (or lack of) to take on new assignments with the encouragement and ability to advance your professional career. Below, 13 Fast Company Executive Board members weigh in on what types of work environments help them produce the best work and why they think that is. 

Company details


Company bio

Moneypenny and VoiceNation are America’s best virtual receptionist & phone answering providers. For more than 20 years, VoiceNation has specialized in custom-scripted call answering, with bilingual receptionists available to take calls 24 hours a day. VoiceNation is part of Moneypenny, a leading 24/7 provider of personalized answering services, live chat and customer contact solutions. Collectively, the Moneypenny Group employs over 1,200 people handling over 20 million calls and chats for thousands of businesses of all shapes and sizes – from sole traders right up to multinational corporations - across the UK and the US.



Area of focus

Virtual Receptionist

Company size

1,001 - 5,000