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Evan Nierman

Founder & CEORed Banyan

Fort Lauderdale, FL

Member Since March 2021


Account Management
Strategic Communications
Media Relations


As Founder and CEO at Red Banyan, Evan brings high-level experience in public relations, crisis management, marketing, online media, international relations and public affairs. Throughout his career, he has provided strategic communications counsel to top business leaders, government officials and presidential candidates, and private individuals.

Published content

17 steps to align biz marketing strategies with company core values 

expert panel

Employee buy-in is key to delivering the right message to current and potential customers. In the growing world of misinformation and declining B2C trust, companies must remain vigilant to ensure the messaging their brand is communicating internally and externally is exceeding the core standards they truly represent and continue to live up to.  Keeping employees educated about their role and stake in demonstrating their company's mission and goals through their daily work practices is essential to ensure alignment and engagement across the entire establishment. If your digital and traditional messaging strategies are not consistent with what the company stands for, 17 leaders from Fast Company Executive Board each offer one step to preserve the authenticity of marketing practices and company core values.  

Cultural sensitivity in international PR


For American companies conducting business overseas, cultural sensitivity is essential.

19 tips for company leaders seeking media coverage and strong media relationships

expert panel

These strategies can help you forge good relationships with the press and encourage positive PR for your business. Media coverage and strong press relationships are often essential for elevating your company's public-facing profile. But how do you effectively engage with the press and create a business relationship that benefits both parties? Below, Fast Company Executive Board members offer their best tips for leaders who want to connect with journalists and secure valuable media exposure. Read on for their recommendations on navigating press relations and securing positive media coverage.

14 ways to help teams reach their quarterly goals

expert panel

It takes team effort and accountability to cross the finish line together. Setting quarterly goals is necessary to get your company over the finish line year after year, but what's the point of setting goals if you lose track of those objectives? Developing a strategy and check-in process that holds everyone accountable is essential to keep your team on the same page and ensure they have the resources they need to perform their specific responsibilities. To help managers and their employees forge a better path for moving the business ahead, 14 Fast Company Executive Board members each offer a strategy that has helped them obtain the results they were looking for and why it can work for your team as well. 

Why AI will make communication skills even more vital


AI results will be only as good as the human direction that is provided to both AI generative and language models.


Banning AI is a short-term fix that is neither sustainable nor logical. It is a brave new world and there is no going back.

Company details

Red Banyan

Company bio

Red Banyan is a strategic communications firm with offices in Florida, Atlanta and Washington, D.C. specializing in public relations, crisis management/ crisis communications, social media, and marketing. Red Banyan combines creative thinking, steady judgment shaped by experience and a relentless commitment to achieving results for its clients.


Marketing & advertising

Area of focus

Public Relations
Crisis Management

Company size

11 - 50