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Lori Tsugawa Whaley

PresidentThe Samurai Strategist

Tacoma, WA

Member Since December 2023


Public Speaking


Lori Tsugawa Whaley is an author and inspirational speaker on a mission to empower others to reach their God-given potential, no matter their path, heritage, or circumstances. Lori is a third generation Japanese-American and a descendant of the samurai warrior. Whether she is inspiring prison inmates at the local correctional facility to create better lives, empowering women business owners at Money Wise Women conferences to honor their financial resources, or addressing business executives at the Project Management Institute to celebrate cultural diversity, Lori Tsugawa Whaley captivates attention and compels listeners to live inspired, purposeful lives of powerful contribution that extend far beyond the day to day realities of commerce. Having grown up in a predominately white farming community, Lori struggled with being different. She channeled her unrest into tireless research and curiosity to study and embrace her Japanese heritage. Today, Lori models the Ways of the Samurai Warrior with every story she tells and every move she makes. Without judgment and with a full heart, she lives the principles of honor, courage, rectitude, loyalty, honesty, self control, and compassion while inspiring others to do the same. Having endured and painstakingly continuing to recover from not one, but two auto collisions, Lori’s resilience has been strongly tested. It is one thing to model the Ways of the Samurai Warrior in good times. It is another thing to do so while recovering. Lori’s compassion to guide others through tough times is informed by her own journey to regain wellness against demanding odds

Published content

Seven Ways Organizations Can Support Employees With Traumatic Brain Injury


Employees who have recovered from TBI often possess a range of strengths that can be valuable assets in the workplace.

The virtue of loyalty: Building strong bonds in the workplace


It’s time for a resurgence of this underrated value to build stability, trust, and a shared sense of purpose, thus laying a strong foundation for navigating uncertainties and achieving collective success.

The art of benevolent leadership: Embracing the principles of Bushido in the modern business world


The idea of a servant leader committed to putting their team members' needs first is central to a positive and effective workplace culture, and has been the hallmark of many successful leaders.

Building resilience: Embracing the way of the samurai


Incorporating Bushido principles into our daily lives can help us develop resilience in challenging times.

Company details

The Samurai Strategist

Company bio

Lori is a third-generation Japanese American baby boomer and a descendant of the samurai warrior. She is a multidimensional individual on a mission to empower others to reach their God-given potential, no matter their path, heritage, or circumstances. Lori is an author, speaker, life coach, and storyteller passionate about sharing the code of Bushido and her Japanese heritage at universities, TEDx stages, libraries, and cultural venues across the West Coast. She earned a bachelor’s degree from Portland State University.


Corporate social responsibility

Company size

2 - 10