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Steven Kowalski

President / FounderCreative License (TM) Consulting Services

Jacksonville, FL

Member Since December 2023


Leadeship and Team Inspiration
Management Consulting


Steven Kowalski is an organization development consultant, speaker, executive coach, and the author of “Creative Together: Sparking Innovation in the New World of Work.” He has more than 25 years’ experience facilitating the creativity of scientists, engineers, business leaders, and professionals to deliver bold solutions that are scalable and sustainable through his firm, Creative License™ Consulting Services. Steven holds a Ph.D. in adult learning and organizational creativity from UCLA, works for biopharma pioneer Genentech and is the author of over 100 workplace learning programs. Find him at

Published content

Stop overwhelming your leaders


Here are three common mistakes being made in the workplace that are leading to major leader overwhelm.

Co-creating across boundaries


To start co-creating across boundaries, here are some best practices you could adopt with your leadership team.

5 empathetic ways for leaders to organize layoffs

expert panel

In times of economic uncertainty or organizational restructuring, tough decisions like layoffs can be unavoidable. However, how these decisions are executed can have profound implications not only for the individuals directly affected but also for the morale, culture, and long-term success of the company. Any leader who is wrestling with a layoff decision has likely been sitting with that and preparing for months. For everyone else, on the other hand, it will be news — and a shock. This is where empathy, often regarded as a soft skill, emerges as a critical quality for business leaders to embody during such challenging times. It's important to give time for teams to understand, process and heal. To help leaders going through a reduction in workforce, I ask members of Company Culture Group, a community I lead through Fast Company Executive Board, how leaders can organize layoffs with empathy.

How can employees advocate for themselves at work?

expert panel

Business leaders teach professionals 18 smart, practical ways to speak up and get ahead. Whether they're just starting out in their industry of choice or have been at it for several years, it's natural for career-minded, ambitious individuals to keep an eye on opportunities that could give them an edge in their professional lives.  But, in order to keep their skin in the game and gain the respect of their leaders and coworkers, it's essential for employees to first build trust in their capabilities if they want like-minded colleagues to buy into the contributions they are trying to make. To help you speak up about your concerns or ideas, 18 Fast Company Executive Board members share their best practices with other workers who wish to present their ideas and become a better advocate for themselves at their current place of business.

Are you thinking about launching your own business?

expert panel

19 factors for employees to keep in mind before they leave their day jobs for entrepreneurship.  If you've always wanted to launch your own business and you're thinking that now is the time, slow down a bit to ensure you're making the right moves that will put you strategically ahead in the long run when it comes to laying out your future company's success and where you see yourself and team years from now.  In today's volatile marketplace, nothing is secure, and when you've been working at a corporation for a long time, you've gotten used to receiving certain perks and a support system that will disappear once you're out on your own. That's why conditioning a new mindset is just as important as getting your financial house in order before you jump ship. Here, 19 experts from Fast Company Executive Board each offer their advice to help leaders who've decided to fly solo anyhow and make a better transition from the corporate world to entrepreneurship without missing a beat.

3 big things leaders get wrong about innovation


There are several big roadblocks—primarily in our mindset—that get in the way when we try to inspire innovative results from our teams and organizations.

Company details

Creative License (TM) Consulting Services

Company bio

Together with partners from across industries and domains of expertise, Creative License(TM) Consulting offers high-impact consulting and solutions for executive and leadership team development, organizational and employee effectiveness, and innovation culture transformation. Based on 25+ years of experience as a practitioner and consultant, Steven and his partners: - Design business/enterprise innovation strategies - Accelerate innovation projects/initiatives, and deliver custom programs that ensure breakthrough results - Strengthen team performance - Scope, plan, and implement culture transformation initiatives


Corporate leadership

Area of focus

Innovation Management
Management Consulting

Company size

Myself only