Do I Qualify?
Yusuf Sar's avatarPerson

Yusuf Sar

Founder & CEOHardwarewartung 24 GmbH

Vienna, Austria

Member Since December 2023


Sales & Marketing
Business Operations


In the 1990s, when he was a student of psychology and business administration, he accidentally entered the IT industry and found great enjoyment in it. In the following decades, he spent most of his time designing and building large networks and data centers, serving as both an engineer and a manager at all hierarchical levels. Once he reached the top, he wanted to start anew and founded his startup to reinvent the oldest sector of IT: hardware maintenance. The outdated structures in this sector were practically screaming for digital disruption. Accomplishing this transformation required an extraordinary leadership team, in the truest sense of the word. With a handful of outliers outside the IT area, he bootstrapped a completely new business.

Published content

What business challenges are distracting you from company goals?

expert panel

14 biz leaders discuss their best practices for overcoming business obstacles. Whether you are launching a brand-new business for the very first time, or you've recently been offered a promotion after climbing the ladder at your corporate job, the role of leadership is not always an easy one. This is especially true when your former lunch buddies start treating you differently and your engagement with them suddenly feels a bit awkward. Every leader in transition goes through growing pains, but eventually, it gets better. Below, 14 experts from Fast Company Executive Board weigh in on their biggest challenges in management roles and how they've been able to overcome them or at least find a better balance.

Entrepreneurship 101: 12 tips to help business owners succeed

expert panel

Apply these methods to build a successful company in today's marketplace. Launching a startup company may seem like a daunting task at the beginning, especially when you're juggling so many responsibilities all at once. You may be feeling overwhelmed, but if you work strategically to find the right balance and remain focused, the decisions you make about going into business will be worth it all in the long run. To share some encouragement, experts from Fast Company Executive Board weigh in on the countless ways every business owner can turn their personal experiences (upbringing, hardships, or financial setbacks) into business opportunities they'll be proud to put their name on.

Are you thinking about launching your own business?

expert panel

19 factors for employees to keep in mind before they leave their day jobs for entrepreneurship.  If you've always wanted to launch your own business and you're thinking that now is the time, slow down a bit to ensure you're making the right moves that will put you strategically ahead in the long run when it comes to laying out your future company's success and where you see yourself and team years from now.  In today's volatile marketplace, nothing is secure, and when you've been working at a corporation for a long time, you've gotten used to receiving certain perks and a support system that will disappear once you're out on your own. That's why conditioning a new mindset is just as important as getting your financial house in order before you jump ship. Here, 19 experts from Fast Company Executive Board each offer their advice to help leaders who've decided to fly solo anyhow and make a better transition from the corporate world to entrepreneurship without missing a beat.

17 business lessons from self-help and personal growth development 

expert panel

This is why working on yourself outside of the workplace can improve your ability to be a better manager who is more excited about the job. What does it take to become a better leader in the work world? You could ask 20 different people, but you'd quickly realize that the answer may vary depending on who you are talking to, and what circumstances in their life have shaped who they are today—personally and professionally. Here, 17 members of Fast Company Executive Board discuss what they learned when they blocked some time to focus on self-help improvement and personal growth development opportunities. They also weigh in on what their experience was like and how they applied it at the office. By pushing themselves beyond what's typically expected, these leaders have increased their ability to operate a more efficient and successful company as they continue to inspire their direct reports to do the same.

Using AI to improve service quality and attract new customers in the third-party maintenance industry


AI can offer many opportunities to improve your service quality and efficiency and attract new customer segments that were previously unaffordable.

Is your department's future the latest on the chopping block? 

expert panel

Here's how managers can help their team showcase the added value they bring to the company and remain irreplaceable during tough economic times. As employee layoff announcements continue to loom across major industries, team leaders may be wondering how they can ensure the stability of their department's future at the company and avoid being replaced or eventually phased out. Here, 14 experts from Fast Company Executive Board weigh in on their best practices to help staff members stay proactive when it comes to highlighting their contributions to move the business forward long term.

Company details

Hardwarewartung 24 GmbH

Company bio

Hardwarewartung 24 is a hardware maintenance specialist for IT infrastructure, such as servers, storage systems, and network hardware. They support all major brands like HPE, Dell/EMC, Fujitsu, IBM, NetApp, Cisco, Supermicro, and Sun/Oracle in over 50 countries worldwide. Their primary target groups are SME businesses, which usually face pricing disadvantages in hardware maintenance products due to their smaller size. Hardwarewartung 24 precisely closes this pricing gap by offering enterprise conditions to everyone, regardless of the company size.



Area of focus

IT Infrastructure
Information Technology

Company size

201 - 500