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Kristin Marquet

Founder + Creative DirectorMarquet Media, LLC

New York, NY

Member Since January 2022


Digital Marketing
Public Relations
Brand Design and Strategy


Kristin Marquet is an experienced publicist and business owner with a track record of over 14 years. As the creative director of Marquet Media, LLC, she takes charge of the company's day-to-day operations while spearheading client campaigns. Throughout her successful career, Kristin has forged valuable partnerships with renowned brands and notable entrepreneurs. Some of her esteemed collaborators include Amy Feind Reeves, a well-known author and entrepreneur; Michelle Lewis, a celebrity entrepreneur and podcaster; Angela Ficken, a psychotherapist and entrepreneur, among others. Together with her clients, Kristin has garnered media coverage in prestigious outlets such as,,, Wall Street Journal, and Kristin's educational background comprises rigorous data science, business, and public relations studies. She has pursued academic excellence at institutions like Boston University, New York University, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Kristin is also a member of the Young Entrepreneur Council and the Fast Company Executive Board.

Published content

13 expert talent acquisition strategies to secure long-term success

expert panel

The right talent acquisition strategies can help ensure your company’s long-term success. Every successful company needs a strong talent acquisition strategy. Whether you're focused on building a robust pipeline, streamlining your onboarding process, or leveraging analytics to predict future needs, the right approach can drive sustainable growth and keep your organization competitive.  Below, Fast Company Executive Board members share how their talent acquisition strategies are shaping the future of their organizations. Here's what they've found to work well and how you can apply these insights to your own talent acquisition efforts.

18 expert tips for mastering your next media interview

expert panel

Here's what it takes to ace your next press interview, according to experts. When preparing for an interview on a live or on-demand platform, it's important to focus on both content and delivery. Whether you’re an introvert who prefers careful planning or an extrovert who feeds off energy, preparing yourself for an upcoming interview can ensure that you're represented accurately and positively.  From refining your key messages to honing your body language, there are a few things you can do to get yourself interview-ready. To that end, Fast Company Executive Board members share tried-and-true tips to ensure you’re ready to make the most of your time in the spotlight.

20 job search tips for career-changers in the digital age

expert panel

Online platforms like LinkedIn provide opportunities for career professionals to gain a foothold while transitioning to new industries. Many professional skills translate well from one industry to another. For job seekers who are looking to change industries, it's important to be specific about how their professional experiences will help them be successful in their new chosen field. One way to do this is to leverage online platforms to showcase your expertise and transferrable skills. To help, 20 members of Fast Company Executive Board share strategies for translating existing skills into new career paths to stand out to potential employers. Follow their advice to build your professional network, showcase past projects, and provide thoughtful commentary on relevant topics to establish yourself in a new industry.

Thinking about sharing your thought-leadership knowledge in a book?

expert panel

Ignore your inner voice of self-doubt—you got this. Here's how successful thought leaders can start writing today, and keep going. For thought leaders who have solidified their reputation in a particular industry (or are looking to do so), one next step to build up credibility among colleagues and followers is to broaden their credibility by publishing a book. Doing so can help elevate trust and loyalty among your current audience. It may also bring in a new base to keep the momentum thriving in the future. If you've got plenty of ideas but don't think you have the time or patience needed to realistically get the job done, think again—11 experts from Fast Company Executive Board are here to help. They each share some tried and true best practices for a thought leader or influencer who wants to share their knowledge through book publishing for the first time. Here's how new writers can get their thoughts down on paper and expand their reach.

14 methods to boost business-client engagement in the digital age

expert panel

Your brand may be selling itself short by remaining socially distant. Here's how to reconnect with customers and maintain their loyalty. As the virtual e-commerce system continues to evolve, brand leaders can no longer afford to sit on the sidelines if they want to see their companies thrive. That is why it is so important to actively engage with current and potential customers in the digital spaces they rely on to keep them informed about how your business can make a difference in their lives and meet their needs. If you're beginning to feel a disconnect between your audience and want to reestablish a stronger bond by elevating your efforts in brand awareness, here are 14 strategies from Fast Company Executive Board members to help start you off. You may need to catch up in some areas, but by applying these tips of the trade, you'll learn to be better engaged in the digital community and drive business impact to its highest capacity.

19 strategies to make your company culture stand out to attract top talent

expert panel

It can be difficult to stand out from your competition when trying to hire top talent; with a strong company culture, it's easier. When it comes to standing out in a competitive job market, your company's culture can be a crucial influence in attracting and retaining top talent. A workplace that is vibrant, inclusive, and supportive not only sets an organization apart from its competitors but lends itself to employee satisfaction and productivity. Here, Fast Company Executive Board members discuss how companies can use their culture as a key differentiator from their competition. With these strategies in mind, you can cultivate a work environment that attracts the top candidates in your industry.

Company details

Marquet Media, LLC

Company bio

Marquet Media, LLC is an award-winning PR and digital marketing firm working with founders and companies in various industries. A sub-brand of Marquet Media, is an emerging digital media company designed to provide female founders and business owners with all of the tools and resources they need to run successful ventures.


Marketing & advertising