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Bryan Whitaker


St Paul, MN

Member Since February 2024

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17 steps to align biz marketing strategies with company core values 

expert panel

Employee buy-in is key to delivering the right message to current and potential customers. In the growing world of misinformation and declining B2C trust, companies must remain vigilant to ensure the messaging their brand is communicating internally and externally is exceeding the core standards they truly represent and continue to live up to.  Keeping employees educated about their role and stake in demonstrating their company's mission and goals through their daily work practices is essential to ensure alignment and engagement across the entire establishment. If your digital and traditional messaging strategies are not consistent with what the company stands for, 17 leaders from Fast Company Executive Board each offer one step to preserve the authenticity of marketing practices and company core values.  

The sunset of cookies: Embracing real-time intent data for B2C marketing


Traditionally the domain of B2B marketing, real-time intent data is poised to breathe new life into B2C marketing approaches.

20 proven cold contact strategies for successful business partnerships and sales

expert panel

Revitalize your cold outreach strategy for more successful sales outcomes. In any industry, reaching out to a cold contact can be intimidating. The unfamiliarity can create anxiety and stress; however, with the right approach, it can lead to valuable opportunities. Below, Fast Company Executive Board members share their effective strategies for initiating contact with potential partners or clients. Follow their recommended methods to make a compelling first impression that can lead to a successful business relationship.

12 methods brands can use to strengthen B2C relationships

expert panel

Apply these strategies to ensure your company is sending the right message to gain consumer trust and loyalty. With artificial intelligence tools at their fingertips, brand leaders can better assess where the consumer market is heading and how to address the challenges of the day. Using digital results to reframe an email or marketing campaign may be an effective way to stand out as a go-to company that can find solutions, but connecting in a meaningful way will solidify a stronger business relationship. Below, 12 Fast Company Executive Board members each provide a strategy for new or established brands to improve B2C relationships and grow their business by leaps and bounds.

Unlock the power of identity resolution with quality data, AI


Exactly how companies connect the dots to build individual consumer profiles is growing more complicated.

Company details



Marketing & advertising

Company size

11 - 50