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Anna Dewar Gully

CO-CEOTidal Equality

Toronto, ON, Canada

Member Since January 2023


Business Strategy
Change Management


Anna is an award-winning organizational strategist, equity activist, and Co-CEO & Founder of Tidal Equality -- a tech-enabled strategy firm solving the problem of inequality at scale -- that she founded with partner Dr. Kristen Liesch. Tidal Equality delivers radically new solutions (check out our Wave process and our Equity Sequence) that help organizations build justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion. Prior to founding Tidal Equality, Anna spent 15+ years leading enterprise-wide strategy, organizational change, and strategic public policy initiatives -- with a particular focus on equity and systems change issues -- in organizations including the City of Toronto, the YMCA of Greater Toronto, The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, the Royal College of Physicians UK, and more. Since founding Tidal she has also gained significant experience in the corporate world with clients that include leading international banks, law firms, tech companies, and more. She completed her Masters at the University of London (UK) and her undergrad at McGill. In 2023, Anna was awarded McGill University's Desautels Management Achievement Award for contributions to business and society where she was recognized for her positive disruption of the way business approaches diversity, equity, and inclusion. You can reach Anna via or by email at

Published content

15 ways leaders can increase equity and transparency in their performance review process 

expert panel

Amid performance review season, I understand the importance of embracing a holistic strategy that not only values individual contributions but also prioritizes fairness, open communication, and continuous improvement.  To cultivate this for our organization, we refactored our system of growth from being a linear promotion process to one that allowed for more divergent growth paths. Having an "up or out" model didn't work for our company culture. Having a lattice-based (rather than a ladder-based) approach gave people more autonomy in the course of their careers. And we made our promotion logic more equitable by transparently naming the conditions for growth. To help other leaders, I asked members of the Company Culture Group of Fast Company Executive Board, a community I lead, how they improve equity and transparency in their review process. Here are important steps that they take and the impact they’ve seen from doing so.

Seven meaningful ways leaders can cultivate a sense of belonging

expert panel

I'm passionate about all things growth hacking, leadership development, and inclusion—so much so that I created a conference, developed a game, and wrote a book about the root of it all: growing deeply human connections.  So, what does it take to build a company culture that fosters those types of connections? We all know there's merit to in-person interaction, but paying for office space and asking your team to commute every day may not be the answer. Instead, the same money that some leaders may put toward rent can be used for team kickoffs, company retreats, and interpersonal events. These activities are far more thoughtful and effective in building personal relationships, connections, and a sense of belonging. The key is to make any team gathering intentional, which ultimately ends up being more productive—and less expensive.  To help other leaders cultivate a sense of belonging, I asked members Fast Company Executive Board Company Culture, an online community that I lead, for their top culture-building tips.   

Why team collaboration is the key to stronger leadership

expert panel

Giving every staff member a seat at the table can increase business morale and business growth. It takes a village to build the type of team morale and trust it takes to lead a company to innovative success and long-term profitability. So if you are trying to strengthen staff relations and foster a better work environment that enables every employee to have a voice, don't go it alone, be willing to have an open mind and lean on them for support.  By encouraging regular brainstorming sessions with your team to guide your decision-making process, you'll be a better informed, confident leader, knowing that your staff is working together (and truly has your back) to elevate the company further in the years to come. Below, Fast Company Executive Board members share other reasons why employee feedback and collaboration are fundamental in helping leaders make better all-around business decisions.

15 tips for creating content that will build customer loyalty

expert panel

With the right content strategy, you can keep customers coming back to your brand time and time again. Customer loyalty is crucial for the success of any company, and one effective way to build it is through creating engaging content that resonates with customers. Content can be delivered through a variety of channels, including social media platforms, email marketing campaigns, podcasts, and more. However, with so many options available, it can be challenging for companies to determine which channels and types of content will be most effective in building customer loyalty. To help, a panel of Fast Company Executive Board members offers their best tips for creating engaging, exciting content that keeps customers interested in your brand.

15 webinar best practices to increase customer engagement

expert panel

A successful webinar will engage, educate and possibly persuade its target audience and keep the host top of their mind for their future needs. Webinars have become an increasingly popular tool for businesses to engage with potential clients and customers. However, simply hosting a webinar is not enough to ensure success. To make a lasting impression and achieve desired outcomes, businesses must use best practices to create engaging and informative content that resonates with their audience. Whether it be educational or persuasive, effective webinars require careful planning, preparation, and execution. To that end, 15 Fast Company Executive Board members weigh in on some of their best practices for hosting webinars that are useful, relevant, and valuable for potential clients and customers.

How to fix a negative business reputation online

expert panel

Even the most successful companies can make missteps, and when those mistakes involve leadership, the consequences can be severe. A company's reputation is a crucial asset that can take years to build but can be destroyed in an instant. Negative publicity and online backlash can quickly spread after leadership mistakes, causing irreparable damage to a company's reputation. However, there are steps that a company can take to clean up its negative business reputation online and regain the trust of its clients. To help, a panel of Fast Company Executive Board members recommended some effective strategies that can help turn things around and get your business back in the good graces of potential and current clients, even after past leadership missteps.

Company details

Tidal Equality

Company bio

Tidal Equality is focused on helping organizations solve the problems of inequality at scale and we are determined to educate our market on new ways to solve this age-old problem. We have invented two powerful methodologies organizations and individuals can use to reduce the problems of bias, discrimination, and inequality and to expand equity, diversity, and inclusion. Our most powerful and effective methodology is Equity Sequence (it's like Agile or Lean but for making more equitable decisions and designs), it's a system of 5 elegantly simple questions any one and any team can use to spot the problems of bias and inequality in action and transform it. It's a scalable, useful, totally different approach to building more diverse and inclusive organizations and better yet -- it helps companies drive a whole new category of innovation -- equitable innovation -- in products, services, and customer and employee experiences. Check it out at


Corporate social responsibility

Company size

2 - 10