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Antoine Sallis


San Diego, CA

Member Since February 2023


Internet Marketing
Business Strategy


Best Selling Author, motivational speaker, and philanthropist Antoine Sallis is renowned as "The World's Greatest Credit Agent" by his clientele.  His latest effort, The Great American Credit Secret, is an educational platform revolutionizing the way people look at their credit and finance. It also features Master P., David Meltzer, Jessica Rich, David Bullock (Alaska), Carlos D. Smith (The Credit God), Dr. Trevor Thomas and other notable financial industry business owners.  Antoine Sallis, a Ted Talk speaker, is finishing his first book with Game Changer Publishing coach Cris Cawley. .

Published content

17 ways to improve your company's growth strategy in tough times

expert panel

Consider these areas you may have overlooked. Your business, like many other companies, may be struggling to get ahead in an uncertain economy, but there is hope. You don't have to stay stuck. Pivoting from a negative mindset about what's to come in the future for your business is the first step. Now, you must put a practical plan into place that will help you strengthen your trust with loyal customers and promote brand re-engagement at the same time.  Here, 17 Fast Company Executive Board members propose their best practices to help turn the situation around in no time, even during a slow economy.

Five secrets small business owners should know about credit


Because these principles are not often taught in school, try to do as much research as you possibly can so you know what to expect when you walk into the bank.

15 webinar best practices to increase customer engagement

expert panel

A successful webinar will engage, educate and possibly persuade its target audience and keep the host top of their mind for their future needs. Webinars have become an increasingly popular tool for businesses to engage with potential clients and customers. However, simply hosting a webinar is not enough to ensure success. To make a lasting impression and achieve desired outcomes, businesses must use best practices to create engaging and informative content that resonates with their audience. Whether it be educational or persuasive, effective webinars require careful planning, preparation, and execution. To that end, 15 Fast Company Executive Board members weigh in on some of their best practices for hosting webinars that are useful, relevant, and valuable for potential clients and customers.

16 experts share hard lessons that have improved their business

expert panel

Sometimes, the biggest business challenges can yield the most valuable lessons for future success. Running a successful business is not just about profits and revenue. It also involves learning from mistakes and setbacks that might seem devastating at the time. The good news is that some of the most challenging lessons a business can face can ultimately be the ones that bring about the most significant improvements. These lessons can come from a variety of sources, such as unexpected failures, market shifts, or even internal conflicts. Below, 16 Fast Company Executive Board members get candid about some of the most difficult lessons they've learned as leaders and how those lessons have ultimately resulted in positive business outcomes.

Company details


Company bio

Antoine Sallis is known to his clients as "The Worlds Greatest Credit Agent" and is a Best Selling Author, motivational speaker, and philanthropist. He founded his company to teach others about finance. He went from living a life of poverty to living in abundance. His newest project, THE GREAT AMERICAN CREDIT SECRET is an educational platform that features the likes of Master P, David Meltzer, Carlos D Smith (The Credit God), Jessica Rich, David Bullock (Alaska), and Dr. Trevor Thomas. THE GREAT AMERICAN CREDIT SECRET book itself went straight to the number one spot on Amazon within 24 hours.


Social impact & nonprofit

Area of focus

Small and Medium Businesses
Social Media

Company size

11 - 50

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