Do I Qualify?
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David Howland


Boston, MA

Member Since July 2022


Brand Leadership
Digital Strategy
Marketing & Advertising


As a brand leader and integrated marketing executive, I bring a record of success and expertise operating at the highest levels of international business. I excel at optimizing project teams and digital marketing platforms, launching compelling brand identities, messaging platforms and successfully transforming how stakeholders and the public perceive the organizations I represent. Beyond results, I understand that success often requires significant cultural shifts – by embracing emerging trends, I consistently position top companies on the forefront of a highly competitive global marketplace.

Published content

How long can you skirt disaster when you fail to modernize?


If you’re relying on antiquated technology because it’s "good enough,” you’re putting yourself at tremendous risk.

Innovation in pricing is what the economy needs right now


For organizations to be successful, pricing should not only be a direct reflection of corporate strategy, but also resonate with customers and deliver clear value.

4 tips for creating an impactful hybrid event strategy 


As virtual events are now ubiquitous, are live events still important and impactful?

16 lessons leaders have learned from a crisis 

expert panel

Your ability to weather a huge storm, in the marketplace, may also increase the growth potential of your business success down the line. Whether you're a CEO corporate executive addressing a corporate PR nightmare or a small business owner strapped for cash, trying to figure out how you're going to make payroll next month, a business crisis is bound to happen at some point so you have to be ready to face the challenge.  In the long run, taking accountability and keeping a cool head is one of the best ways leaders can avoid knee-jerk reactions and learn to troubleshoot the storm more effectively. Below, 16 expert panelists from Fast Company Executive Board will explain what overcoming industry obstacles have taught them in general and how doing so can help other company leaders improve their business patterns overall.

15 ways for bootstrapped startups to reward top performers

expert panel

Even if you're self-funded, there are affordable ways to recognize and reward your team for a job well done. For a bootstrapped startup, giving monetary rewards to show appreciation to stand-out employees might not be possible in the very beginning. But there are other kinds of rewards and ways of recognizing hard work that experts have found make a larger impact than money. From shout-outs in all-hands meetings to creating dedicated "kudos" Slack channels, startup founders have created innovative and effective ways to show their appreciation for their employees' hard work without going over budget. Below, a panel of Fast Company Executive Board members provides their best cost-effective ideas for recognizing employees for their excellent work.

Company details


Company bio

Global provider of Intelligent Insurance and Banking Operations through agile, composable and real-time solutions.



Area of focus

Predictive Analytics
Risk analysis and modeling
Customer lifetime value

Company size

201 - 500

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Fast Company Executive Board is a vetted professional network of company founders, executives, and leaders who are defining the future of business through innovation, creativity and design.