Member Since August 2022
Girish Jashnani is Founder and CEO at Flosum, a leading provider of end-to-end secure DevSecOps, data management, data protection and security automation platforms built on Salesforce. Jashnani has spent over 25 years leading technology initiatives, specializing in sales application development, product strategy and the Salesforce ecosystem. Prior to founding Flosum, Jashnani worked in strategy, business and developer roles at Salesforce and Oracle. During his time at Salesforce, Jashnani filed two patents. Driving developer productivity is one of Jashnani’s career passions.
Girish Jashnani
Published content
expert panel
Nov 3, 2022
Holding fast and spreading the word about what your company truly believes in may galvanize new partnerships and potential customers. To establish a winning brand that has true purpose, make your company's mission personal not only to yourself but your entire team. So stand firm on the core values of your business and surround yourself with the right stakeholders who are willing to champion your brand and help execute its goals. If you're authentically passionate about providing products and services that can solve your clients' problems, your credibility as a reliable establishment in the field will continue to grow. Below are 15 Fast Company Executive Board members to share their ideas and increase your influence in the marketplace.
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Flosum is a complete Enterprise Continuous Integration Delivery and Release Management Solution for Salesforce, right out of the box. Just like any other cloud solution on, your organization can be up and running in a matter of minutes. Flosum is the recommended solution by many Salesforce employees, system integrators as well as current customers who use Flosum.