Member Since February 2022
Connoisseur of Constructive Discomfort through 1:1 Culture, Strategy, and Enneagram Coaching and Team Facilitation. With 10+ years of experience leadership training and a passion for helping organizational leadership streamline processes, increase efficiency, reduce conflict, and elevate empathy, Hannah knows how to get at the root of the problem and bridge the gaps in organizational processes, offering the 30,000 foot view often needed to make sustainable change. Regardless of the project or goal, Hannah’s guiding principle and primary focus is making the world a better place. Her core values are purpose and vision, and everything she does comes back to those two words. She believes wholeheartedly she was made to do this work, and she’s grateful every day to wake up to new opportunities and to use her gifts to make a difference in the lives of others.

Hannah Fryer
Published content

expert panel
Consider what's at stake if you want the best bang for your buck. When you are searching for a manufacturing distributor to do business with, it's never a good idea to take everything they say at face value. You have to do your research first. In addition to creating a short list of your best options, it's key to follow up with reference checks and pay a visit to the facility location. This will shed light on core value alignment and quality standards in real-time—and not just on paper—because at the end of the day, it's all about the client and customer satisfaction rates. To help company leaders find the right partner to elevate their brand further and make a good impression on every user's experience, experts from Fast Company Executive Board address 10 top qualifications to consider for the best return on their investment.

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If you're on the edge of burnout, apply these tips. In the business world, it's important for managers and their employees to self-reflect and gauge when it's necessary to ramp up their performance during a busy time of the year or pull back to take a short break when needed. In addition to work stress, employees may also be juggling personal responsibilities at home. While it's understandable to not always be 100% energized or inspired to get through your workload every day, Fast Company Executive Board members have nine tips that can help leaders and teams manage their energy levels to stay in optimal peak performance mode throughout the entire year.

expert panel
10 experts share how to put your best foot forward and make impactful business connections. The art of networking in business comes much easier for some entrepreneurs than others. If you want to do it correctly you've got to be willing to open yourself up and communicate your pitch, realizing it's a two-way street when it comes to examining a proposition value that benefits each potential stakeholder. Furthermore, there is a pattern of behavior patterns that every professional must learn to shed if they want to attract the interest of industry colleagues and build authentic relationships that are founded on mutual respect. Below are 10 best practices courtesy of Fast Company Executive Board members.

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Living up to their own set of standards enables managers to increase credibility, mutual respect, trust, and engagement with their teams. Whether it's a start-up business owner or the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, it's important to lead by example if managers expect their employees to emulate the core values and mission they promote to meet business goals. Expressing constant negativity about the challenges of work is also counterproductive for leaders who want to encourage an open-door policy for communication and build a culture of psychological safety. Being an active and collaborative listener, who is willing to consider the ideas and feedback of staff seriously, also inspires trust and team morale. Below, experts from Fast Company Executive Board are here to explain 16 behaviors that managers should aim to avoid, and how they can improve on breaking the cycle.

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If you're strapped for cash, you can still find practical ways to launch and grow your new establishment successfully. Building a start-up business on a small budget is never easy. But being new to the industry it's important to build the best track record and gain as much positive attention as possible to elevate and expand your company in no time. Below, 15 gurus from Fast Company Executive Board share their time and knowledge about low-cost ways to create a buzz factor of excitement about your product or service.

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Taking a creative approach to maintaining personable business relationships is just as important. If you want to instill an inviting corporate culture for everyone at your company, then it's necessary to not only model the ideal behavior but to get employees involved so they have a higher stake in the changes they want to see taking place. Enabling your staff members to help make real business decisions that impact the company's bottom line and the way people view themselves as individual and collaborative contributors will elevate morale and set a positive example for future employees to come. Below, experts from Fast Company Executive Board share 16 practical ideas that continue to foster inclusiveness and team building at work.
Company details
Brambling & Co., LLC
Company bio
Brambling & Co., LLC is a culture, strategy, and coaching consulting agency. We bring to the table a collaborative team of professionals with an extensive track record of guiding organizations to success. Our team has a stellar reputation in driving growth, building sustainability, and providing strategic direction, truly taking the people we serve to new heights. We bring the research, dedication, attention to detail, career experience, and intuition to truly deliver results.