Do I Qualify?
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Jeremy Almond

CEO & Co-founder PaystandPaystand


Member Since June 2021




CEO @PayStand. General Partner @Sharkbait Labs. CoFounder. Engineer. Surfer. Hacker. Globe Trotter. Blockchain Advocate. Fledgling Investor. Bluewater Sailor. MBA Kid. Enjoyer of Life. Doer of Good. Where'd the above mouthful come from? I "grew up" in a highly successful (and exited) product focused engineering (nanotech) company. I learned to lead in a heavily M&A based global public corporation. And I found out what matters most in the world, by selling it all to sail around the world on a 40ft boat, spend months exploring the most far reaches of the globe. So what's left? Keep doing what you love: Take a great idea on a napkin. Build an amazing team. Talk to your customers. Create an innovative product. Stay agile. Pivot as the market shifts. Quietly grow the business. Wow your customers. Create value for your stakeholders. Transform an industry. Make the world a better place. Surprise everyone. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

Published content

15 ways to close the “credibility gap” with potential clients or customers

expert panel

You’ve caught the attention of a new prospect—now you need to convince them you can really deliver what you’re promising. Across industries, marketing teams of both B2B and B2C companies employ a variety of strategies to catch the attention of new prospects. It can be a difficult hill to climb—particularly in today’s global, digital marketplace—but even when you succeed, your work may be only half done. The new prospect knows what you claim to offer, but they may not be sure—yet—that you can back it up. To complete the sale, companies need to close the “credibility gap” that may be keeping prospects from making a final decision in their favor. To help, 15 members of Fast Company Executive Board have shared ways companies can convince potential clients and customers that they are capable of and committed to following through on their marketing promises. Follow their advice to establish your expertise and land the deal.

Struggling with impostor syndrome? 16 effective ways to combat it

expert panel

Feeling like you don’t belong in the position you’ve achieved in your professional life can have a negative impact on your mental and emotional well-being, but there are ways to boost your confidence in your intrinsic abilities and qualifications. In recent years, the term “impostor syndrome” has become an increasingly common topic of discussion. People with impostor syndrome may believe that they are not truly qualified for the role they hold or may attribute the success they’ve achieved to mere luck. This can lead to unfounded feelings of being “unworthy” or fears of being “found out.” And no one is immune; imposter syndrome is an issue that affects everyone from entrepreneurs and CEOs to entry-level professionals. Left unchecked, this all-too-common phenomenon can be detrimental to both work performance and mental health. Fortunately, it’s possible to combat these negative perceptions and feel more confident in your achievements, worth, and potential. Below, 16 members of Fast Company Executive Board share their best advice to help those struggling with impostor syndrome.

Company details


Company bio

Paystand's on a mission to create a more open financial system, starting with B2B payments. Using blockchain and cloud technology, we pioneered Payments-as-a-Service to digitize and automate the entire cash lifecycle. Our software makes it possible to digitize receivables, automate processing, reduce time-to-cash, eliminate transaction fees, and enable new revenue. We asked ourselves: "What would payments look like if we recreated them today from scratch?"​ We imagined it would look more like this, so we built it: - No transaction fees - Automated receivables and payables - 100% paperless - Real-time cash recognition - Flat monthly pricing - Instant Reconciliation - No markups or interchange fees - Flexible integrations Contact us today to make payments the easiest part of running your business.


Corporate leadership

Company size

11 - 50

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