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Jo Bhakdi

Founder and CEOQuantgene


Member Since December 2022


Jo Bhakdi is the Founder and CEO of Quantgene with the mission to extend the healthy human life span by a decade within a decade. Together with Quantgene’s team of scientists and engineers, he is dedicated to introducing cloud, AI and precision diagnostics into the standard of care to enhance quality and accessibility of care for everyone and protect human life. Born to scientist parents, Jo grew up with a backdrop of medical research before earning a Master’s in Economics from Tubingen University, one of Germany’s leading academic institutions. Prior to Quantgene, Jo held executive positions at BDDO and Omnicom with a focus on business model innovation and technology, then founded i2X, an investment platform that provides quantitative analytics for biotechnology and technology portfolios.

Published content

How employers can invest in healthcare and pandemic preparedness


Employers that invest in routine testing today can help normalize behaviors that will serve generations to come.

10 ways leaders can encourage team collaboration instead of competition

expert panel

Apply these tips to keep employees motivated without comparing themselves. In a competitive workplace, it's important for leaders to foster an environment where employees feel safe to express their challenges as well as successes without feeling intimidated or insecure about how they measure up to other team members. Bonding over common and personal interests outside of work is another opportunity to strengthen relationships. And when employees celebrate each others' wins and learn how to support others in collaboration it enhances mutual respect and admiration for the next person. Below, 10 Fast Company Executive Board members share their best practices on how to connect with colleagues in a healthy way without comparing their own success or lack of it.

13 ways to support your team during a season of business cutbacks

expert panel

There's an upside to a downsize. Here's how company leaders can make a difference and maintain their staff's trust. In the past few years, many companies are still facing economic challenges in a fluctuating market, which also makes it difficult when leaders are forced to have tough conversations with their dedicated team about potential or necessary cutbacks. Demonstrating transparency and open communication is one of the most important steps to keep your stakeholders well-informed along the way. If you work together with your team to engage in ideas for alternative solutions, you will set your organization up for success and strengthen your potential to come out on top in the long term. Below, 13 Fast Company Executive Board members share their best practices to help leaders prepare their teams for cutbacks in the business world.

13 steps to keep companies on track to fulfill their mission

expert panel

Is your establishment still on the right path to achieve its original objectives? As the business starts to pick up its momentum in the marketplace through brand recognition and new partnerships, it's sometimes easy for founders or leadership teams to get sidetracked away from their original goals and why the company was launched in the first place. While it's important for entrepreneurs and business owners to task on certain risks and close in on the right deals, it's also crucial to maintain your core values and business integrity in the process as the company grows. Below, a panel of experts from Fast Company Executive Board shares 13 ways for business owners and executives to ensure that their current and future business practices still align with their organization's original mission and vision.

The power of preventive medicine


For too long, medical care and diagnostics have remained focused on addressing patients’ symptoms once they develop, performing “reactive medicine.”

Company details


Company bio

Quantgene was founded in 2015 at UC Berkeley with the mission to detect cancer and other diseases early and protect human life. Now based in Santa Monica, CA, with offices in Portland and Berlin, Quantgene has galvanized a team of scientists and technologists to push the boundaries of precision and preventive medicine. With the backbone of a world-leading laboratory infrastructure and AI-powered cloud system, Quantgene has utilized its talent and technology to transform healthcare through three business units: Apollo, Pandemic Protect, and Serenity. Apollo deploys the world’s most advanced medical intelligence system to close the care gap in precision preventive medicine and chronic care management for providers and large systems. Pandemic Protect has kept Hollywood’s entertainment industry in business and has partnered with government agencies coast-to-coast, keeping US citizens safe. Using superior data and intelligence to detect genetic and real-time medical risks, Serenity aims to extend the healthy human lifespan by a decade within a decade.



Area of focus

Health Diagnostics
Artificial Intelligence

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