Member Since April 2023
I am a Human First Leadership Advocate who champions the development of workplace cultures built on authentic connection, shared vulnerability, and purpose-led performance. I came to this mission through two decades of service as an HR executive, and my lived experience of seeking to show up– and view others, as humans before titles. I have served as an HR Executive at some of the world’s most prominent companies including Indeed, Conde Nast, and others. I currently serve as a board member at PayScale, and as an HR Venture Advisor for SemperVirens Venture Capital. I am the host of the “52 Humans” vlogcast, a live weekly video podcast on the human side of workplace experiences, and my first book launched in March of 2023, "Human Beings First - Practices for Empathetic, Expressive Leadership." I enjoy much of his time speaking to– and leading workshops for, organizations, companies and teams on a variety of topics in HR and leadership. I live with my husband and their three dogs in New York.

Paul E. Wolfe
Published content

expert panel
Apply these emotional intelligence strategies to improve your department and company work culture. According to a survey published by Statista Research Department, 52 percent of organizations have employed senior leaders based on their emotional intelligence (EQ) skills. The ability to gain the loyalty of the team you are trying to lead successfully often relies on your willingness to actively listen to the concerns and aspirations of your employees. It's only then that you'll be able to access your staff's support and strengthen the type of team morale that can move companies forward. To provide some practical examples of what this type of leadership approach looks like, experts from Fast Company Executive Board explain how elevating their EQ has helped them to enhance their team relationships for the better and made them more approachable and trustworthy—a leader that their direct reports can trust.

expert panel
Start with a few target items that align with the big picture. There are so many factors that go into building and maintaining a scalable business that has the potential to thrive—year after year. As a leader's to-do list continues to grow, where do you start when it comes to making important decisions that will impact the future of the business? Below, 10 experts from Fast Company Executive Board discuss how others can effectively balance the short- and long-term goals in their business decision-making process.

expert panel
Does your company practice what it preaches, consistently? When you are trying to build or maintain a successful business, it's important to make sure that the company's core values are consistently being reflected in everything that it does. As a leader, it's impossible to be everywhere at once. Refusing to delegate specific tasks to free up your time to focus on other priorities will lead to burnout. Ensuring your company's reputation is living up to its standards starts with hiring the right team of representatives. Below, 13 Fast Company Executive Board members share other methods that work for them.
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Paul Wolfe
Company bio
Paul’s focus is helping companies, leaders and HR leaders think about things differently, embrace the unknown, work on becoming better, and strive for more transparency. He is currently writing a book entitled “Human Beings First” which will be available Spring 2023. He also speaks to organizations, companies and teams on a variety of topics in HR and leadership.