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Regan Parker

Chief Legal and Public Affairs OfficerShiftKey

Portland, OR

Member Since March 2023


Public Speaking
Business Model Innovation


Regan Parker, Chief Legal and Public Affairs Officer for ShiftKey, is a leading expert on the future of work and the legal, regulatory and policy challenges around it. At ShiftKey, Parker is revolutionizing the workforce by addressing systemic barriers through a strategic focus on independence, freedom, and choice, focused on empowering the individual to define their own work/life balance. By offering the opportunity to work as much or as little as they choose, ShiftKey is bringing more licensed professionals back into the workforce through a technology-driven approach that provides a scalable solution to address workforce shortages. For more than 15 years, Parker has been advising companies on technology, products, processes, operations, communications and legislative strategies. With a focus on democratizing access to work, Parker has spearheaded policy efforts at the state and federal level to advance a more inclusive environment for women, single mothers, people with disabilities, and others who face persistent barriers. Parker has handled high stakes litigation and legal matters, including the response to state audits, IRS and Department of Labor audits, class and collective actions, and the multitude of disputes that arise in a non-traditional workforce. Parker’s unique track record and experience include managing the wide spectrum of claims that can arise on worker classification, advising nearly every company in the workforce economy space, and successfully defending cases valued at hundreds of millions of dollars. Parker continues to focus on reimagining an alternative model of work and how to decouple the social safety net from traditional employment to better support the workers of the future. Parker is a highly sought-after visionary and expert on the intersection of technology, the future of work and the workforce economy. She is also a mother, lawyer and author with a passion for storytelling and inspiring change. Parker has spoken on many stages, including at the White House on workplace flexibility and most recently at TEDx Portland, the largest indoor TEDx event in the world. Parker is also the author of the book (Mis)carriage: A Mother's Story of Why Pregnancy Loss Matters, published in 2019. Parker holds a juris doctorate from Loyola Law School, Los Angeles and degrees in literature and anthropology. She has written about business and politics for the Huffington Post and other publications and is passionate about women’s issues and the future of work. Her two boys are the loves of her life and being their mother is the most humbling and deeply gratifying experience of her life.

Published content

Amid a return to pre-pandemic work policies, we've forgotten what the global health crisis taught us


It seems we’ve forgotten what it took a global health crisis to teach us, and we are seeing more companies largely reverting to the pre-pandemic approach to work.

How to be truly disruptive when the word has become a Silicon Valley cliche


Today, there are two major ways one can truly be disruptive: create an entire category or be an innovator.

How the future of work stands to impact the healthcare ecosystem


Fast Company Executive Board member Regan Parker says that workforce shortages in long-term and post-acute care have a domino effect on the rest of the healthcare industry—and that’s where an empowered workforce can step in.

Addressing the healthcare workforce shortage with empowerment


Parker and Vitek believe that if more healthcare professionals could work on their own terms, more would stay in, or return to, the profession.

Is you business setting higher DEI standards in today's workplace?

expert panel

14 tips for business leaders aiming to reframe a culture of adaptability at the office. For a company to remain competitive and survive in today's marketplace, its leaders must be willing to fully embrace what it means to build a culture of adaptability among a diverse workforce and live up to its own expectations. Improving the company's culture won't happen overnight, but if leaders begin to gather and share employee success stories and transformative behavior patterns, doing so will plant the seed of change for the better. In turn, top talent will be more likely to take a second look at potential career opportunities at the prospective company. Here are 14 suggestions from Fast Company Executive Board members that can lead to a better work environment and a desire to change. 

We’ve been talking about the future of work for over a decade—it’s time to shift the conversation


It's time to embrace and expand the future of work, empower people to work on their own terms, reinvest in your community, and drive positive impact while creating a more sustainable, equitable economy.

Company details


Company bio

ShiftKey is a platform that is disrupting the way healthcare facilities find licensed and certified professionals to fill available shifts. Leveraging marketplace dynamics and deep industry knowledge, the company is playing a vital role in mitigating America’s healthcare staffing shortages, enabling direct connections between facilities and healthcare professionals. By offering the opportunity to work as much or as little as they choose and putting the power back into the hands of healthcare workers, ShiftKey is bringing more licensed professionals back into the workforce, a solution that is solving a major crisis in healthcare.



Area of focus

Health Care
Virtual Workforce
Information Technology