Do I Qualify?
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Scott Abbott

Founder & Managing PartnerStraticos

Indianapolis, IN

Member Since July 2022


Executive Leadership
Growth Strategy and Execution


For starters, I like to think of myself as an architect, builder and custodian of prosperous (and resilient) companies, leadership and growth. With regard to my skills and credentials: I have 30+ years of experience and expertise launching, operating, buying and selling great companies. Along the way, I’ve raised $35M+ in venture capital (with 3 successful exits), been honored to lead teams that generate billions in sales, service thousands of clients, and hired hundreds of employees. I’ve also learned a lot, by making a bunch of mistakes. I am honored and humbled, to be a finalist for the E&Y Entrepreneur of the Year Award; Inc. 5000 Fastest Growing Companies Award Winner; Entrepreneur in Residence at Indiana University, Kelley School of Business; and the author of numerous published articles, blogs, white papers, and two best-selling books: Level-UP to Professional and The Co+Factor. As for my professions, and passions: I have the joy and privilege for being a Founder & Co-Founder, Business & Executive Coach, Angel Investor, Board Member and host a podcast with 80,000+ downloads (= top 10%). Additionally, I am also active on social media, and enjoy sharing inspirational content with 45,000+ Followers*. Most of all, I love helping good and caring people - along with team-centric organizations - effectively learn, implement and leverage the best strategies, mechanics and principles for exceptional leadership, management, teamwork and accountability: in business, work & life.

Published content

15 mistakes that turned out to be beneficial for leaders in business

expert panel

Every mistake made as a manager is a learning opportunity and can sometimes even make you more successful. As a leader, it's easy to fall into the trap of thinking that mistakes are always negative and should be avoided at all costs. However, some mistakes can actually be beneficial and help you become more productive and successful in reaching your goals. These "good mistakes" can teach you valuable lessons, challenge your assumptions, and even lead you to new opportunities. To that end, a panel of Fast Company Executive Board members described mistakes that have helped them become more effective leaders. By embracing and learning from these types of mistakes, you can take your leadership skills to the next level and achieve greater success.

15 tips for preparing for a team collaboration

expert panel

Preparing adequately for a team collaboration and brainstorming session is essential to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that the session is productive.  Collaboration and brainstorming are critical components of many successful projects. However, they can be challenging to execute effectively. Below, a panel of Fast Company Executive Board members offers some tips to help you prepare for a team collaboration and brainstorming session that can lead to more successful outcomes. Whether you're working on a project with colleagues or leading a team, these tips can help you get the most out of your collaboration and brainstorming sessions.

The tangible intangibles: Using goals to invest in the future of your business


When it comes to your goals, don't minimize (let alone ignore or forget) the "intangible" upsides that become tangible for both you and your team.

11 social media sales funnel strategies for brands to consider

expert panel

Apply these practical solutions to finding loyal patrons who are willing to support your company—financially—for the long term. How can business marketers easily convert emoji-likes into "real" buyers of their products and services? In the business world, the bottom line is that having a million followers on your social media pages doesn't necessarily add up to an immediate bump in quarterly sales.  You have to work for it, hard, if you want your establishment to become a true financial success, beyond comments or social gratification. To win consumer confidence and build their trust and loyalty, try putting yourself out there by sharing your brand's authentic voice. Then create educational content about your company's "why" for potential and existing customers. Avoiding the mistake of being too salesy is another fine way to strengthen B-2-C relationships over time. Below, 11 Fast Company Executive Board members provide other leaders with their tried and true methods for engaging with "friends" across digital platforms, encouraging them to go one step further through the sales funnel—putting their money where they spend most of their (social) time.

The key to success? Be (and stay) prepared for the journey


The problem with wishful yearning is that it’s all about the past, not the future. And we can’t change the past.

Avoid these 16 bad habits that can damage a leader's influence 

expert panel

Living up to their own set of standards enables managers to increase credibility, mutual respect, trust, and engagement with their teams. Whether it's a start-up business owner or the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, it's important to lead by example if managers expect their employees to emulate the core values and mission they promote to meet business goals. Expressing constant negativity about the challenges of work is also counterproductive for leaders who want to encourage an open-door policy for communication and build a culture of psychological safety. Being an active and collaborative listener, who is willing to consider the ideas and feedback of staff seriously, also inspires trust and team morale.  Below, experts from Fast Company Executive Board are here to explain 16 behaviors that managers should aim to avoid, and how they can improve on breaking the cycle.

Company details


Company bio

At Straticos, we empower leadership teams to effectively operate, grow, scale, and (when ready) exit, great companies. We do this through: 1) Company Building Solutions We help leadership teams learn, develop, implement, and benefit from a simple but comprehensive, custom-tailored, software-powered Company Building Solution (CBS) - made exclusively with and for, you. Moreover, your customized CBS, will empower your leadership team and entire organization, to effectively envision, strategize and execute: with efficiency, accuracy and confidence. 2) Business & Executive Coaching Our constructive, empathy-based approach to personal and professional development, is geared to generate awareness, insights, feedback and growth. We specialize at improving individual and group performance, by helping you develop and nurture new skills, behaviors and competencies - with a focus on Leadership, Management, Teamwork and Accountability. If you’re like most companies, chances are looking to grow from good to great (or stay great) with care and confidence, and can utilize/leverage a customized Company Building Solution, along with trusted and experienced Business & Executive Coaching, to help you: + clarify and achieve your goals/plans + minimize challenges and frustrations + maximize output, income and impact If you are genuinely committed to optimizing your performance in business, work and life ... and as important, be the leaders and leadership team that your company, families and community deserves ... then we'd appreciate the opportunity, to see if we’re a great fit for working together.


Corporate leadership

Area of focus

Venture Capital
Management Consulting

Company size

2 - 10

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