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Gary Goldberg

CEO & FounderSquadLocker

Rhode Island

Member Since April 2022


Gary is a third-generation textile engineer who has leveraged that legacy and his love of innovation into designing products to improve the well-being and comfort of consumers for some of the world's most recognized retailers and brands. His first step in this direction was founding Case The Music, which turned traditional basic black guitar and musical instrument cases into works of art. As founder and CEO of SquadLocker, Gary has once again turned the ordinary into the extraordinary by revolutionizing the custom apparel process for team sports. While he admits he never reached sports star status in his younger days, it hasn’t stopped Gary from securing and finding synergy with world-class athletes for his On The Whistle podcast. A native to New England, Gary resides in Providence, RI and welcomes new connections through LinkedIn.

Published content

The devil’s in the details: Advice for entrepreneurs on raising capital


Fate rewards the entrepreneur for being entrepreneurial. But there are a few things I wish I’d known before jumping into the fray.

How to prioritize partnerships to grow your business


When considering a partnership, it’s important to confirm what you’re getting out of it. But it’s also important to recognize how it can contribute to operational health and entrepreneurial creativity. 

16 lessons leaders have learned from a crisis 

expert panel

Your ability to weather a huge storm, in the marketplace, may also increase the growth potential of your business success down the line. Whether you're a CEO corporate executive addressing a corporate PR nightmare or a small business owner strapped for cash, trying to figure out how you're going to make payroll next month, a business crisis is bound to happen at some point so you have to be ready to face the challenge.  In the long run, taking accountability and keeping a cool head is one of the best ways leaders can avoid knee-jerk reactions and learn to troubleshoot the storm more effectively. Below, 16 expert panelists from Fast Company Executive Board will explain what overcoming industry obstacles have taught them in general and how doing so can help other company leaders improve their business patterns overall.

How to make fear your friend and risk your ride-or-die


It’s a process—failing in the right order to get to the right destination.

How to tame market chaos with first-principles thinking


First-principles thinking empowers agility and innovation, but only when people know you appreciate the lessons as much as the triumphs. And with each challenge presented and each answer revealed, you’re taking steps toward truly harnessing the potential of the chaos around you.

Company details


Company bio

SquadLocker is disrupting the hyper-local, intensely fragmented athletic apparel market by providing innovative online tools which make it easier for coaches and league administrators to manage athletic apparel purchasing for teams. The TeamLocker™ application provides brands such as Under Armour®, Adidas® and Nike®. The online experience is self-service, immediate, easy-to-launch and free for youth athletic programs.


Creative design

Area of focus

Consumer Goods
E-Commerce Platforms

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Fast Company Executive Board is a vetted professional network of company founders, executives, and leaders who are defining the future of business through innovation, creativity and design.